Established in June of 1999, Apex Distribution Inc. operates as a distributor of industrial and oilfield products and services to oil and gas producers, mining, forestry, food processing, and these industries associated contractors and service companies conducting business throughout Western Canada.

Apex is a technically diverse and service-oriented team that has proven abilities to provide customers with superior service and technical capabilities. People are our most valued asset and are recognized and encouraged for their innovation, contribution and accountability.

The client focused culture built by operating within our “Values Statements” is what we offer as “The Apex Advantage”.

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Our values are:

We are positive and passionate about what we do
We take our jobs seriously, but not ourselves
We embrace change & innovation
We are friendly and caring towards our people & customers
We treat everyone with respect
The person doing the job knows best
Anything can be improved
The customers’ needs are critical
We work Safely
Quality is everyone’s job

Mission Statement

Apex Distribution will be recognized as the leading oilfield service and supply company through our people, our customers, our suppliers, our service, our technical expertise and our profitability. We expand our business as market conditions dictate and opportunities arise that best fit all of our stakeholders.

At Apex, we realize the importance of excelling in business is closely linked to an organizations ability to define its competencies and to become exceptional in those areas. Our organization has identified the core competencies below as those that we must excel at in order to provide our customers with results that positively impact their financial performance.

 workers inside a warehouse

Product Knowledge

Our company industry experience currently averages in excess of 18 years. These years of experience allow us to bring forward insightful product application and sourcing that has proven to increase client profitability through reduced operating and capital expenditures.

a business professional showing procurement data to a colleague


Procurement plays a significant role in our strategy to assist our customers in their effort to reduce operating costs and effectively manage their purchasing process. The ability to provide products and services at market competitive prices is a critical component of a distribution service group.

a business professional highlighting logistics data on a tablet


Apex manages the physical movement of products to ensure that we are meeting our customer’s requirements, optimizing our investment in inventories and minimizing the associated freight costs.

To find out more about the products and services offered by the different divisions of Apex Distribution Inc., please visit one of the pages below.