At Russel Metals, we recognize that our activities and operations have the potential to impact the environment and the communities in which we operate; accordingly, we have made environmental stewardship an organizational priority.  We have adopted an Environmental Policy that serves to guide and direct our actions, ensure our operations comply with applicable environmental regulations and minimize our environmental impact.

Environmental Management

Our Environmental Policy is supported by an environmental management system, which defines and communicates lines of responsibility for environmental matters within our organization, provides assistance and support to our operating units in addressing their individual environmental needs, and reports the environmental performance of our operations to senior management.

On a quarterly basis, management reports to the Environmental Management & Health and Safety Committee of our Board of Directors on our activities related to environmental matters, and on applicable changes to environmental laws and regulations.


Despite being a relatively small emitter of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions among the metals value chain we recognize the risk and challenge climate change poses to our society.  It is therefore important for us to do our part to help reduce GHG emissions where practicable.  Some of our current energy efficiency initiatives include:

  • Modernizing our fleet of vehicles with more fuel-efficient models, including hybrid and EVs.
  • Transitioning to electric lifts and loaders.
  • Retrofitting most of our facilities with LED lighting.
  • Completing energy efficiency assessments at some of our facilities.

Our operations are not energy intensive.  The bulk of our direct emissions arise through consumption of diesel fuel for the delivery of product to customers and consumption of natural gas for the provision of comfort heat at our facilities.  Our indirect emissions arise from the purchase of electricity.  In 2023, we purchased approximately 50,720 MWh of electricity from a variety of suppliers.  These purchases account for approximately 26% of our aggregate estimated emissions.

emission pie chart

Our GHG emissions in 2023 were approximately *54,260 tonnes CO2(e) company-wide.  Based on our 2023 revenue of $4.505 billion, this represents an emission intensity of 12.0 tonnes CO2(e) per $million CAD of revenue.

* Reported GHG emissions include scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, measured in accordance with the international standard, “The Greenhouse Gas Protocol”, published by the World Resources Institute.

Of this aggregate total, our Scope 1 emissions were roughly 40,302 tonnes CO2(e), and our Scope 2 emissions were roughly 13,958 tonnes CO2(e). 

The geographical breakdown of our measured emissions is 55% in Canada and 45% in the United States.   Our service center operations account for the majority of these emissions, at approximately 83% and our energy products operations account for approximately 16% of emissions.

Regulatory Compliance

We are subject to Federal, Provincial and State environmental legislation, in both Canada and the United States.  We have evaluated existing legislation and continually monitor new developments in environmental legislation, to ensure the ongoing compliance of our operations.

Waste and Recycling

Steel and other metal products that we distribute are among the most widely recycled materials on earth. Most of our product lines sold, present minimal end‐of‐product‐life environmental impact as they are recycled. Furthermore, as a distributor, our packaging materials are minimal. Our operations therefore generate relatively little landfill waste. Our branches are encouraged to participate in separation and recycling activities consistent with the programs available in their local communities.

Air Emissions

Processing steel using plasma, oxy‐fuel, or laser technologies has the potential to generate some air emissions. These potential emissions are controlled using dust collectors at branches where such emissions would otherwise be material. Most jurisdictions in which we operate do not require any permit or approval for such control systems; however, where approvals are required, our facilities have the necessary permits and approvals in place.