Comco Pipe & Supply Company’s Health, Safety, & Environment Management System (HSEMS) is committed to ensuring all stakeholders (employees, contractors, and suppliers) return home safe at the end of the day

  • Our dedicated team of experienced Health & Safety professionals across Canada, lead the HSEMS with support, participation, and involvement of senior management.
  • Our leaders are provided with the safety, leadership, and coaching training necessary to ensure Comco is an industry leader when it comes to Health & Safety
  • Our top priorities are to ensure the safety of all stakeholders, reduction of workplace incidents with an ultimate goal of zero, increased employee/supervisory training & involvement in our HSEMS, and continual improvements to ensure our environmental impact is reduced
  • All incident, including leading indicators, such as near misses, are investigated by a member of Comco’s Health & Safety team with root cause(s) identified, corrective action(s) implemented, and reviewed with stakeholders involved to ensure they do not happen again
  • We participate in internal and external audits to maintain our Certificate of Recognition, which is issued by the Alberta Manufacturer’s Health & Safety Association, and through our parent company, Russel Metals Inc.
  • Our Joint Worksite Health, Safety, and Environment Committees (JHSEC) bring together workers and managers to help identify and solve worksite issues and promote general Health & Safety awareness

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