Accurloy is a clean, fine-grain, alloy steel produced by the electric furnace process and furnished turned, ground and polished for applications requiring exceptionally high tensile strength and resistance to wear, shock and fatigue. Rigid quality control assures a steel of consistently high chemical and physical properties. For the rough-turned version of Accurloy, please see NICHROLOY.
Benefits of Accurloy
Longer Service Life:Engineered to develop higher strength, finer finish, cleaner chemistry and better fatigue resistance than standard grades of alloys and carbon steels such as SAE 1045, 4140, 4150, 4340, etc.
Precision Finish:
Turned, ground and polished to very close tolerances, Accurloy will save you time and money in machining and down-time.
Baldwin International maintains one of the largest stocks of precision finished shafting in the U.S. With a full array of sizes from 1/4″ dia. to 9″ dia. in common 1/16″ increments, as well as metric sizes, we can supply your specific shaft how you want it and when you want it.
Compare Accurloy to 4140
Factors | 4140 | Accurloy | Advantages of Accurloy |
Manufacturing Process | Open Hearth Furnace. Large heats, little uniform control | Small Electric Furnace heats | Greater control, less defects, cleaner steel which increases toughness and service life |
Tensile Strength (Heat Treated 28-32 RC) | 125,000 PSI | 155,000 PSI Typical (Higher on smaller diameters) | Approximately 25% higher strength |
Yield Strength (Heat Treated 28-32 RC) | 100,000 PSI | 130,000 PSI Typical (Higher on smaller diameters) | Approximately 25% higher strength |
Stress Relieved & Machine Straightened | Optional – must be specified | Stress relieved at mill | Minimizes Bowing and “Walking” during machining |
Low Sulphur Vacuum Degassed | Not a commercial practice | Degassed at mill | Builds toughness by removing impurities in the steel |
Fatigue Resistance | Low Toughness | High degree of toughness | Higher endurance limit. Will minimize fatigue caused by twisting and flexing in use. |
Wear Resistance | Hard and soft spots, Uneven wear | Uniform hardness | Uniform hardness and less decarburization give increased wear life. Tends to work-harden with wear. |
Machinability | Not consistent | Uniform | Uniform grain and hardness offer better machinability |
Common Accurloy Applications
Armature Shafts
Boring Bars
Chain Links
Chain Pins
Conveyor Shafts and Rollers
Crank Shafts / Pins
Drag Line Parts
Drift Pins
Drill Shanks
Drive ShaftsFeed Screws
Gear Shafts
Generator Shafts
Grinder Spindles
High Pressure-Valve Studs
Highly Stressed-Shafting
Hoist Hooks & Pins
Hoist Shafts
Impeller ShaftsJack Shafts
Lead Screws
Line Shafts
Machine Tool Pinions
Magneto Shafts
Mining Machine Parts
Motor Shafts
Piston RodsPower Shovel Shafts
Propeller Shafts
Push Rods
Reamer Shafts
Renecking Spinning
Set Screws
Skidding Tools
Sleeve Shafts
Spinning Rollers
Steam Shovel Parts
Steering Knuckles
Tie Rods
Thrust Shafts
Transmission Screws
Valve Stems
Wearing Strips
Worm Gears
Wrist Pins
Accurloy Size Range
1/4 | 11/2 | 23/4 | 41/4 |
5/16 | 19/16 | 2 13/16 | 43/8 |
3/8 | 15/8 | 27/8 | 47/16 |
7/16 | 1 11/16 | 2 15/16 | 41/2 |
1/2 | 13/4 | 3 | 43/4 |
9/16 | 1 13/16 | 31/16 | 4 15/16 |
5/8 | 17/8 | 31/8 | 5 |
11/16 | 1 15/16 | 33/16 | 51/4 |
3/4 | 2 | 31/4 | 57/16 |
13/16 | 21/16 | 35/16 | 51/2 |
7/8 | 21/8 | 33/8 | 53/4 |
15/16 | 23/16 | 37/16 | 5 15/16 |
1 | 21/4 | 31/2 | 6 |
11/16 | 25/16 | 35/8 | 67/16 |
11/8 | 23/8 | 3 11/16 | 61/2 |
13/16 | 27/16 | 33/4 | 7 |
11/4 | 21/2 | 3 15/16 | 71/2 |
15/16 | 29/16 | 4 | 8 |
13/8 | 25/8 | 41/8 | 81/2 |
17/16 | 2 11/16 | 43/16 | 9 |
Accurloy comes in random and cut to sizes in lengths up to 27 feet. Please inquire to your specific sizes.
Properties of Accurloy
High Tensile Strength: Approximately 155,000 psi at delivered hardness of Rockwell C 32. Yield strength approximately 130,000 psi. Higher tensile values can be developed by additional heat treatment.
Heat-Treated: To a hardness of Rockwell C 28-32. Additional heat treatment unnecessary for most applications.
Fatigue Resistant: High endurance limit makes Accurloy the ideal steel for many high fatigue shaft and rod applications such as crane and armature shafts, hammer rods, etc.
Wear Resistant: Heat-treated to increase wear life over other alloy and high carbon steels.
Stress Relieved and Machine Straightened: Rolling and heat-treating stresses relieved at the mill, minimizing bowing or “walking” in machining. All bars machine straightened.
Fine Grain Structure: 95% of 8 on Shepherd fracture grain-size standards–assures the toughness and shock-resistance essential in a multi-purpose maintenance steel.
Machinability: Virtually free from hard of soft spots, pipe, seams or other flaws. Machines to an excellent finish with ordinary high speed tools.
Our Products
- Blacksmithing
- Blocks and Sheaves
- Chain
- Chain Slings
- Clamps, Plate-Beam
- Connecting Links
- Eye bolts
- Hoists, Hand and electric
- Hooks
- Load Binders
- Rings, Forged and Welded
- Roller Bearing Swivels
- Shackles
- Sheet and Plate Clamps
- Transport Chain and Accessories
- Turnbuckles
- Wire Rope and Fittings
- Wire Rope Lifting Slings and Fittings
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