This product, normally carried in steel, aluminum and galvanized can be made in almost a limitless number of patterns and base materials. It is widely utilized in structural, architectural, filtration and air movement appli cations. Russel Metals can supply from stock a vast multitude of sizes and patterns and can easily source any other items from 24 ga to 1 thick. Material can be steel, stainless steel, aluminum, nickel alloy, plastic, brass or copper.


STEELUse decimal fraction or Manufacturers’ Standard Gauge
STAINLESS STEEL, MONEL, INCONEL: Use decimal fraction or U.S. Standard Gauge
COPPER, BRASS, MUNTZ AND ALUMINUM: Use decimal fraction or Brown and Sharpe Gauge


ROUND PERFORATIONSStaggered (60° pattern) is Standard. Variations include 45° staggered and straight line pattern.

round perforations 01

Round Perforations Staggered
(Standard Pattern)​

round perforations 02

Round Perforations
45° Pattern​

round perforations 03

Round Perforations
Straight Line Pattern​

SQUARE PERFORATIONS: Staggered or Straight Line Pattern.

square perforations 01

Square Perforations Staggered

round perforations 02

Square Perforations Straight Lines


Side staggered, end staggered or straight lines. Standard slotted perforations will be round end slots. Specify if square end slots are required.

slotted perforations 01

Slots – Side Stagger

round perforations 02

Slots – End Stagger

slotted perforations 03

Slots – Straight Lines

OTHER PERFORATIONS: Typical examples are:

– Embossed openings, such as the dimple perforation in Safety Tread Safety Flooring

– Louvered Slots

– Special shapes (diamonds, oblongs, triangles, etc.)


Spacing for large perforations will be designated by either Centers of Perforations, or by the Open Area required. Spacing for small perforations will be designated by either Centers, or Open Area, or if more practical, by the Number of Perforations to the Square Inch.


Staggered Perforations, both round and square – direction of the stagger will normally be the short dimension of the sheet, as illustrated below.

sec 13 expanded mesh page14 image2


The figures below illustrate two types of end patterns.

end patter perforations 01

Open End Pattern (Standard)

end patter perforations 02

Closed End Pattern


If margins are not specified we will supply material with minimum or no margins.Perforated material with special margins to your requirements can be supplied. The margins for each of the four sides of the sheet should be specified. If close tolerances on the margins are necessary this must be clearly shown.


All Standard sheets can be supplied commercially flat. However, if your job should fall under one of the following categories, it is recommended that you discuss the flatness requirements with Russel Metals before proceeding:

1. Perforated Sheet with extra wide margins.
2. Blank areas required within the perforated area.

3. Perforated sheets with very large percentage of open area.

4. Heavy gauge metal in relation to the size of perforation.

5. Special Alloys.


If other work is required in addition to perforating, submit complete details including sketches.


ornamental perforation 01

No. 11 Grecian design 35% open area.

ornamental perforation 02

No. 19 Windsor 45% open area.​

ornamental perforation 03

No. 14 Large Round Cane Design. 39% open area.​

ornamental perforation 04

No. 76 1/16″ round 1/8″ staggered centres. 23% open area.

ornamental perforation 02

No. 79 3/32″ round 5/32″ staggered centres. 33% open area.

ornamental perforation 06

No. 84 1/8″ round 3/16″ staggered centres. 40% open area.

ornamental perforation 04

No. 92 3/16″ round 1/4″ staggered centres. 51% open area.

ornamental perforation 08

No. 108 3/8″ round 1/2″ staggered centres. 51% open area.

ornamental perforation 09

No. 53 1/8″ x 1/2″ slot 1/8″ bar. Side staggered. 38% open area.

ornamental perforation 10

No. 31 Square Design 2/10″ (0.200″) 1/4″ straight centres. 64% open area.​

ornamental perforation 11

No. 35 Square Design 3/8″ (0.375″) 1/2″ straight centres. 56% open area.

ornamental perforation 12

No. 40 Square Design 1/2″ (0.500″) 11/16″ straight entres. 53% open area.​

ornamental perforation 13

No. 45 Square End Slot Design 0.200″ x 0.637″, .050″ bars. 74% open area.​

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